We had a lot of interest in our Fall Municipal Assistance Program. We are happy to report that we have accepted and will be helping 12 communities this Fall through MAP. These projects represent communities in CT and MA and support all types of EPA MAC Grants. If you were not a part of our Fall Municipal Assistance Program there are still opportunities for you to receive UConn TAB support on your grant application. Please see our internal review process and our online bootcamp.
Author: Mendes, Randi
UConn TAB Fall23 Webinar Series
Join UConn TAB for our Fall Webinar series. Links to register for the webinars as well as more information will be updated continuously.
Register for the webinars:
September 20th (12PM – 1PM) – Community Engagement & MAC Grants Webinar
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/community-engagement-mac-grants-webinar-tickets-717121288077?aff=oddtdtcreator
October 4th (12 PM – 1PM) – Guide to EJSCREEN and EPA MAC Grants Webinar
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/guide-to-ejscreen-epa-mac-grant-webinar-tickets-717129582887?aff=oddtdtcreator
October 13th (12PM – 1PM) – Public Health Data for MAC Grants Webinar
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/public-health-data-for-mac-grants-webinar-webinar-tickets-717131659097?aff=oddtdtcreator
October 18th (12 PM – 1PM) – Displacement: Identifying & Addressing it on your EPA MAC Grant Webinar
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/displacement-identifying-addressing-it-on-your-epa-mac-grant-webinar-tickets-717135971997?aff=oddtdtcreator
November 1st (12 PM – 1PM) – Community Engagement: Discussing Affordable Housing
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/community-engagement-discussing-affordable-housing-webinar-tickets-717136914817?aff=oddtdtcreator
Fall Municipal Assistance Program RFP Open
UConn TAB is currently accepting applications for the Fall 2023 Municipal Assistance Program (MAP). The MAP is open to all New England communities at no cost to the applicant.
Fall RFP
- Dates: August 29th – December 8th
- Services Provided: Support on EPA Brownfield Grant Applications
- Applications deadline: July 15th
- Application Link: https://tab.program.uconn.edu/map-requests-for-proposals/
The proposals will be supported through the University of Connecticut summer interns and Fall 2023 UConn Brownfield Redevelopment course. If you have any questions before applying, please reach out to us at uconn-tab@uconn.edu
UConn TAB Summer 23 Webinar Series
Join UConn TAB for our Summer Webinar series. Links to register for the webinars as well as more information will be updated continuously.
Register for the webinars:
June 29th – Preparing for EPA MARC Grants Webinar: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uconn-tab-webinar-risk-communication-tickets-522992613987
July 13th – Brownfields Job Training Grant Webinar: TBA through National TAB
If you missed one of our webinars, you can view the recording here: https://tab.program.uconn.edu/workshops-webinars/
Summer MAP Participants
We are excited to announce the UConn TAB Summer 23 Municipal Assistance Program (MAP) recipients!
This Summer semester, our student interns will be working with communities across New England on brownfield technical projects. The municipalities will be receiving free-of-charge technical assistance to advance brownfields redevelopment in their communities. The list of projects includes the 6 site reuse assessments, 8 brownfield inventories, 2 community engagement projects, 2 record reviews, and 1 data gap analysis.
The following communities are selected to participate in the Summer 2023 MAP:
Hit the High Notes to Revitalize That Brownfield Site
Join the ranks of successful past participants and take your chance to shine with the Perfect Pitch Competition. Hit the high notes of success with the Perfect Pitch Competition (Previously the Redevelopment Rodeo)! This interactive forum is your chance to pitch your vision for the reuse and revitalization of underutilized land. EPA Technical Assistance to Brownfield (TAB) providers are issuing this national call for applications for prioritized brownfields projects facing common redevelopment challenges. Three selected entities will take the stage at the National Brownfields Conference in Detroit on August 10th and pitch their project, followed by feedback and input from seasoned developers and expert practitioners.
This isn’t your average competition – it’s an experience that will inspire you and your team to map your next steps for that underutilized property. Audience participation is encouraged, and everyone gets to vote on the best presentation and most likely to succeed. The Perfect Pitch Competition seeks to spur economic revitalization and bring your community’s vision to life with a soulful twist. You can even replicate this experience in your community by adapting the tools and presentations to conduct stakeholder forums. So let’s hit those high notes and transform underutilized (or brownfield site) land into thriving community spaces. Start by completing this short survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8M96TQD.
The selected entities presenting their brownfield site vision will receive:
- More than $20,000 in pro bono expert consulting assistance supported by the National Technical Assistance Brownfields Program. Sample services include market analysis, reuse planning, and/or pro forma support.
- Feedback to refine your pitch and end use plan to attract a developer/investor.
Ready to make some music?
Step 1: Decide to apply!
Step 2: Fill out the below preliminary questionnaire by June 2, 2023. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8M96TQD.
Three selected applicants will be notified the week of June 15, 2023. Selected applicants will work with their regional TAB providers to provide detailed information about the project and prepare their pitch.
The Competition will be held at the National Brownfields Conference in Detroit, Michigan scheduled for August 8 – 11, 2023. Selected applicants must commit to attend and participate in the Conference at the time of selection. The Perfect Pitch Competition is scheduled Thursday, August 10th. All applicants will receive assistance from their regional TAB provider on their submitted brownfields project.
Got questions? Reach out to your TAB provider for more information.
Don’t have a project? Put this on your list of must-attend sessions at the National Brownfields Conference and prepare to pitch next time. The audience won’t just be sitting in the stands! In addition to listening in on incredibly valuable expert advice, all audience stakeholders are welcome to ask questions and vote on the best pitch presentation, which is most likely to succeed, and which project you would invest in.
Quotes in Support of the Perfect Pitch Competition:
“This session provided us an invaluable experience by presenting the agency’s Brownfields’ project in front of a new set of eyes. The feedback and assistance received from seasoned developers and expert practitioners contributed to our team’s ability on how to move forward in renovating the site and develop the project further.” Jessie Thompson, Executive Director with the Oklahoma City Community Action Agency
John J. Piseck, Jr., CEO with Herkimer County, New York Industrial Development Agency, was initially unsure about what to expect when he applied to pitch. However, after being selected and presenting, he let us know he learned a great deal about how to make his brownfield site more attractive to developers. His advice: “If you are selected to be in the Perfect Pitch Competition, take full advantage of it!”.
Main Street Now 2023 Event
The Main Street Now 2023 conference will be held in Boston, Massachusetts from March 27 – 29! Register today and join fellow commercial district revitalization leaders from across the country for three days of education sessions, special events, mobile workshops, and opportunities to explore the host city, including 20 Main Street neighborhoods. Whether you come from an urban business district, small rural downtown, or somewhere in between, the Main Street Now Conference offers solutions to common problems and new techniques to help your community thrive.
Register Here
UConn TAB Spring23 Webinar Series
Join UConn TAB for our Spring Webinar series. Links to register for the webinars as well as more information will be updated continuously.
Register for the webinars:
February 22nd – Communicating Risk in Brownfields Webinar: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uconn-tab-webinar-risk-communication-tickets-522992613987
March 1st – Leveraging EJ Funds Webinar: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leveraging-ej-funding-to-promote-equitable-development-tickets-557057312417
March 22nd – Citizen’s Lab Platform Webinar: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uconn-tab-webinar-citizen-lab-community-engagement-platform-tickets-522999203697
April 26th – Opportunities for Public-Private Partnership in Brownfield Redevelopment: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/working-with-and-finding-developers-for-brownfield-redevelopment-tickets-590317434337
If you missed one of our webinars, you can view the recording here: https://tab.program.uconn.edu/workshops-webinars/
UConn TAB Spring 2023 Municipal Assistance Program
UConn TAB is currently accepting applications for the Spring 2023 Municipal Assistance Program (MAP). The MAP is open to all New England communities at no cost to the applicant.
Spring RFP
- Dates: January – May
- Services Provided: Technical Support on Brownfields Redevelopment including brownfields inventories, summaries of environmental records, site reuse assessments, sampling plans, and community engagement materials
- Applications deadline: December 14th
- Application Link: https://tab.program.uconn.edu/map-requests-for-proposals/
The proposals will be supported through the University of Connecticut Spring 2023 UConn Brownfield Redevelopment course. If you have any questions before applying, please reach out to us at uconn-tab@uconn.edu
EJSCREEN Short Course
Learn how to take your grants to the next level by taking our EJSCREEN short course. This course is designed to be completed in 4 to 6 hours. You can stop and return to the course at any time. You must complete the course within 3 weeks in order to receive a certificate of completion.
Register for the short course: https://uconn.geniussis.com/Registration.aspx?AffiliateID=4D9KE1