Month: September 2024

UConn TAB FY25 Brownfield Grant Support

If you plan to apply for an FY25 EPA Brownfields Grant, UConn TAB is here to help! We have several ways to help support your preparation for a successful grant. Below are some but not all resources that are completely free to New England municipalities, non-profits, regional planning agencies, development corporations, Tribes, and other public entities. If you have any questions or want to discuss your project more, reach out to to set up a virtual meeting. Deadlines for submission for the FY25 Brownfields MAC Grants is November 14th.

Past Webinars – All Recordings and PowerPoints can be found on our website:
Direct links to videos below:

Current Webinars and Workshop Hours

UConn TAB is offering 3 helpful webinars this Fall that discuss community engagement in EPA ARC Grants, addressing displacement in the grants, and how to find and understand public health data. Following these webinars, the team will be hosting open “office hours” where anyone can jump on the link to get support on their grant application. This is a great time for quick questions, support with using CEJST, EJSCREEN, or finding public health data, and for support with writing.

The office hours will be held on October 15th, October 22nd, October 29th, and November 5th from 12 – 1 PM.
Register Here:

Grant Application Packages:
We have put together application packages that include several resources, a checklist, templates, and previous examples. They have everything you need to prepare a successful grant. These can be downloaded on our website – click the image below that matches the type of grant you are applying for in order to download our application packages.

Grant Reviews:
The UConn TAB team will provide reviews for the upcoming EPA assessment, cleanup, and RLF, grant cycle. We provide reviews of the narrative and application package, offering  at least two rounds of review. We are happy to review as many times as needed if time permits. If you are unable to prepare a draft by the 1st round, we will still accept first time reviews by November 7th. Submit grant review requests here:

1st round of review(4 weeks before EPA deadline – October 17th): It consists of comments on how the narrative addresses EPA’s guidelines, suggestions on how to address these comments, and resources to identify data. Reviews will be provided in a written format, as an annotated document of your submitted text. You may also schedule a follow-up call with the team member to walk you through the comments.

2nd round or review(1 week before EPA deadline – November 7th ): After the feedback of the 1st round of review is addressed, the 2nd round will provide additional feedback to fine-tune the narrative and provide feedback on the complete application package.

Deadlines for submission for the FY25 Brownfields MAC Grants is November 14th.

National & Region 1- EPA Brownfields Grant Support

National Webinars and Support:

Grant Guideline Outreach Webinars – Narrative Ranking Criteria

Potential applicants are invited to join EPA’s upcoming webinars on the FY 2025 Narrative/Ranking criteria. For an overview of the grant submission process, Narrative Information Sheet and threshold requirements, see the Minimum Grant Requirements recordings above.

  • Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 12 PM ET – This webinar will focus on the FY 2025 Narrative/Ranking criteria for entities applying for:
    • Community-wide Assessment Grant funding
    • Assessment Coalition Grant funding
    • Community-wide Assessment Grants for States and Tribes funding

Please click the link to join the webinar at or join by telephone at  1-646-828-7666, Meeting ID: 161 063 9674

  • Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 12 PM ET – This webinar will focus on the FY 2025 Narrative/Ranking criteria for entities applying for:
    • Revolving Loan Fund Grant funding
    • Cleanup Grant funding

Please click the link to join the webinar at or join by telephone at  1-646-828-7666, Meeting ID: 161 402 2736

The webinar recordings and Q&A transcripts will be made available in the coming weeks. Please check back for updates.

Region 1 Webinars and Support:

Updated soon but keep an eye out for the week of October 7th!

Fall 2024 MAP Recipients

This Fall semester, the selected Fall MAP recipients will be working alongside UConn students who are participating in our service-learning Brownfields Course. During this, the municipalities will be receiving free-of-charge support on their FY25 Brownfield Grant applications.  To learn more about our Municipal Assistance Program:
The following 14 entities applied and were selected to participate in the Fall 2024 MAP.  Of these, 57% of the entities represent environmental justice communities throughout New England. We are excited to continue to collaborate and support the efforts to create healthy and sustainable communities! If you were unable to participate in our Fall MAP, you can still get grant support from UConn TAB! Keep an eye out for our grant reviews, webinars, and grant writing work sessions!