
EPA Region 1 MARC Grant Webinars

The FY23 Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment, RLF, and Cleanup Grant Guidelines are now available in www.grants.gov and on the OBLR MARC Grant Application Resources webpage along with other General Program Resources. The application submission deadline is November 22, 2022. Prospective applicants can also access the information through the Brownfields Newsroom and Solicitations for Brownfield Grants pages.

Two Regional Application Outreach sessions are planned for this year. Specific times for the regional meetings will be announced soon.

  • Wednesday October 5, 2022 in person meeting at the Regional Lab in Chelmsford, MA
    • 11 Technology Drive, North Chelmsford, MA
    • 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST
    • In order to enter the Chelmsford Lab, you must preregister and let us know your name and anyone else in your group. Please email R1Brownfields@epa.gov with this information.
  • Thursday October 6, 2022 virtual Teams meeting
    • 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST via Teams link (Link to join will be sent out later through R1Brownfields@epa.gov).
    • Multiple presentations will be taking place throughout the day. A more specific schedule will be confirmed soon.

EPA National MARC Grant Webinars

The FY23 Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment, RLF, and Cleanup Grant Guidelines are now available in www.grants.gov and on the OBLR MARC Grant Application Resources webpage along with other General Program Resources. The application submission deadline is November 22, 2022. Prospective applicants can also access the information through the Brownfields Newsroom and Solicitations for Brownfield Grants pages.

Webinar 1: FY23 EPA MARC Grant Open Solicitation

Date: September 29th
Time: 2 PM EST

This webinar will discuss the FY 2023 guidelines for entities applying for:

  • Multipurpose Grant funding
  • Community-wide Assessment Grant funding
  • Assessment Coalition Grant funding
  • Community-wide Assessment Grants for States and Tribes funding

Link to join: https://usepa.zoomgov.com/j/1601605033#success


Webinar 2: FY23 Cleanup Grant Guidance

Date: October 4th

Link to join: https://usepa.zoomgov.com/j/1615031487#success


Webinar 3: FY23 RLF Grant Guidance

Date: October 6th

Link to join: https://usepa.zoomgov.com/j/1607942977#success

Job Training Webinar

When: Monday, June 13th, 1.00 pm

Who: Marisa Chrysochoou, TAB Program Director and William “Bill” Lariviere, EPA Region 1, Brownfields Project Officer

This webinar will provide an overview of the EPA Brownfields Job Training Program for potential partners in EPA Region 1 interested in submitting a proposal for the  FY23 solicitation with a deadline of August 2nd, 2022. EPA’s Brownfields Job Training Grant Program is refocusing the competition on training activities that support assessment, cleanup, and preparation of brownfield sites for reuse. As part of that change, the former Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Program will now be called the Brownfields Job Training Program.

Join our webinar on Monday June 13th to find out about how you can prepare a competitive proposal for a JT grant and help build the workforce in your community. Topics covered will include:

  • Overview of brownfield JT grants provisions in the solicitation
  • Building effective partnerships
  • Resources to build and execute a successful JT program
  • Case studies of successful grantees

Register Here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8576263687669223181

Note: This webinar is hosted by UCONN TAB , in addition to the national outreach webinar for JT grants hosted by EPA on June 15th at 2 pm EST.

Fall MAP – EPA Grant Recipients

During our Fall Municipal Assistance Program (MAP), UConn TAB and UConn undergraduate students helped 8 communities prepare EPA Grant proposals. Of those 8 communities, we are pleased to announce that 6 received the grants they applied to. Four of these were cleanup grants and two were assessment grants. If you are getting ready to prepare for an EPA grant this year, we encourage you to apply for our upcoming Fall MAP! To learn more and apply, Click HERE.

UConn TAB Summer & Fall 2022 Municipal Assistance Program

UConn TAB is currently accepting applications for the Summer and Fall 2022 Municipal Assistance Program (MAP). The MAP is open to all New England communities at no cost to the applicant. 

Summer RFP

Fall RFP

The proposals will be supported through the University of Connecticut summer interns and Fall 2022 UConn Brownfield Redevelopment course.  If you have any questions before applying, please reach out to us at uconn-tab@uconn.edu