UConn TAB Fall 24 Webinar Series

Join UConn TAB for our Fall Webinar/Workshop series. Links to register for the webinars as well as more information will be updated continuously.

Register for the webinars:
September 10th (12:00 PM – 12:30 PM)  – UConn TAB Webinar – EPA Grants & Community Engagement 
Register Here:

September 24th (Pre-recorded Release Date)  – UConn TAB Webinar – Understanding Public Health Data
Recording Here: https://tab.program.uconn.edu/workshops-webinars/

October 8th (12:00 PM – 12:30 PM)  – UConn TAB Webinar – Displacement Strategies – Community Benefits Agreement
Register Here:

Open Office Hours for Grant Support – Live writing, EJSCREEN, and Public Health data support
Every Tuesday from 12 – 1 PM starting October 15th – November 5th.
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uconn-tab-epa-grant-office-hours-tickets-1003993390257?aff=oddtdtcreator