Month: May 2024

Job Training Grant Open!

The FY25 Request for Brownfields Job Training Applications has been posted!!!

  • EPA Posted the FY25 RFA on Friday with a due date of August 15th, 2024.
  • We have attached PDFs of the RFA and current Frequently Asked Questions.
  • FAQ’s may be updated as additional questions are answered.
  • The date for EPA’s webinar reviewing the RFA has not yet been announced.

Live Outreach Webinar
EPA will provide an outreach webinar to assist applicants with understanding the Notice of Funding Opportunity for the FY 2025 Brownfields Job Training Grants Guidelines.
Thursday, June 6th, 2024, at 1 PM Eastern

Please click the link to join the webinar at:
Or join by telephone: 1-646-828-7666
Webinar ID: 160 137 1378

JT 201 - Tips on Writing a Competitive EPA Job Training Application
June 12th

 Join us for a 90-minute webinar on tips and strategies useful in writing a competitive EPA job training application.

Event Description:
The objective of this webinar is to present tips and strategies that can assist in the development of a successful FY25 Brownfields Job Training Application.  Participants will also learn common mistakes that have made when submitting applications.  Tips will also be presented that can supercharge an application!

Key topics include:

  • Pre-Submission Tips for Consideration
  • Writing the Application – Do’s & Don’ts
  • Before Submitting the Application- Quality Check
  • Mistakes & Lessons Learned


FY25 Job Training

Your TAB provider is available to review draft Brownfields Job Training Applications during the May 17 – August 15, 2024 time period:

- please request a review by email, at least one week before you send your draft application

- our goal is to provide review comments within several days of you emailing your draft to us (please send in MSWord format, please)

- we can guarantee a review of draft applications submitted to us by August 6th (nine days before EPA’s applications due date)


Points of contact for Draft JT Application Reviews:

·         Region 1 (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, and VT); University of Connecticut; Randi Mendes, 

·         Region 2 (NJ, NY, PR, and VI); New Jersey Institute of Technology; Sean Vroom, 

·         Region 3 (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, and WV); West Virginia University; Carrie Stanton,

·         Region 4 (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, and TN) International City/County Management Association; Chris Harrell,, & New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT); Sean Vroom, 

·         Region 5 (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, and WI); Kansas State University; Blase Leven,

·         Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, and TX); Kansas State University; Blase Leven,

·         Region 7 (IA, KS, MO, and NE); Kansas State University; Blase Leven,

·         Region 8 (UT, MT, WY, CO, ND and SD); Kansas State University; Blase Leven,  

·         Region 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV, AS, and GU); Center for Creative Land Recycling; Claire Weston,

    Region 1 EPA Grant Recipients

    Congratulations to the Region 1 entities that were selected to receive funding for brownfields site assessments and cleanups. EPA awarded 180 grants, totaling $230,969,170. Of these grants, 94 were assessment, 67 were cleanup, and 20 were multipurpose. Region 1 received 32 of the 180 grants for a total of $58,022,040. UConn TAB supported 24 of the 32 recipients through grant review. In total 30 communities reached out to us for grant support and of those 24 were awarded. Our grant review services start this summer and continue into the fall. If you are considering applying for an upcoming EPA or state grant, be sure to use our free services. Congratulations to all the recipients!

    r 17% of these grants!