New Hampshire Resources

NH Brownfield Programs

NH Department of Environmental Services Brownfields Main Page 

State Funding Program: NH provides three types of funding programs: technical assistance for investigation, clean up grants (up to $200K on biannual basis) and access to a Revolving Loan Fund for low-interest loans. 

Liability Relief:  The NH Covenant Program provides liability relief for a current owner, prospective purchaser, secured creditor or municipality that did not cause or contribution to the contamination at a brownfield site.  

Brownfields Inventory

NHDES maintains several site lists, including one for brownfields, for remedial sites and sites with activity and use restrictions.


Regulatory Framework

Management of contaminated sites in the NH State Sites program is governed by administrative rule ENV-Or 600  


Planning Documents

NH includes nine Regional Planning Commissions, which support municipalities in planning and community development. NH cities and towns develop Master Plans according to NH statute RSA 674. A master plan is a planning document that serves to guide the overall character, physical form and development of a community (RSA 674:2). Master Plans at the municipal and regional level can generally be found on the website of each entity 


State and Town Data

The NH State Data Center provides population, housing, economic and geographic at the state level.

The New Hampshire Community Profiles provide data at the town level.

The NH Department of Public Health WISDOM portal an interactive website aggregating health and social services data at the town, county and state level.

NH GRANIT is the New Hampshire's Statewide Geographic Information System (GIS) Clearinghouse.


Public Health Data

The NH Department of Public Health WISDOM portal an interactive website aggregating health and social services data at the town, county and state level.

The NH Environmental Public Health Tracking website directly links to WISDOM.

The Community Health Outlook page includes an interactive map with access to individual community reports; each report contains a variety of health and welfare indicators that are particularly useful for brownfield grants.

Specific categories of interest to brownfield grants:

The CDC National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network includes a map in the Data Explorer Tool by census tract for two cancer indicators: crude prevalence of cancer among adults and number of breast cancer cases for a 10-year period. These are NOT actual cancer rates; they are modeled on the basis of survey responses and the PLACES project (Population Level Analysis and Community Estimates).

The United States Data Statistics website includes data visualizations with actual cancer rates, which are available at the county and congressional district level.

The Cancer topic through the main WISDOM portal shows data at the county level. Regional rates are available through the Community Health Outlook reports.

The Asthma topic through the main WISDOM portal shows data at the county level.

Individual town asthma rates are available through the Community Health Outlook reports.

The only dataset available nationally for birth defects is through the CDC National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network and it provides data at the county level for 11 different types of birth defects.

The Childhood Lead Poisoning page on WISDOM provides access to Pb blood levels by community and over time through the interactive dashboard.