EPA Grant Proposal Review

The UConn TAB team will provide reviews for the upcoming EPA assessment, cleanup, multipurpose, and revolving loan fund grant cycle. We provide reviews of the narrative and application package, offering two rounds of review upon time availability.

Deadlines for submission will be announced upon EPA grant solicitation release.

1st round of review(Deadline: Oct. 25th)It consists of comments on how the narrative addresses EPA’s guidelines, suggestions on how to address these comments, and resources to identify data. Reviews will be provided in a written format, as an annotated document of your submitted text. You may also schedule a follow-up call with the team member to walk you through the comments.

2nd round or review(Deadline: Nov. 8th): After the feedback of the 1st round of review is addressed, the 2nd round will provide additional feedback to fine-tune the narrative and provide feedback on the complete application package.

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